Welcome to the 20th edition of JONAHmagazine

Dear Readers,


Just to get the most important item out first: Although we spread the rumour last time that JONAHmagazine would stop publishing with this edition (for undisclosed reasons) we’re declaring that this rumour is incorrect. We will continue to put out future iterations as long as we’re able, so please keep sending us your writing. The next issue (#21) is due to arrive for JULY 2024.

Now back to our regular programming:

JONAH presents the 20th issue of JONAHmagazine. “Hooray!”, you all declare. Well, maybe not, but here it is.

The current selection of poetry, fiction and non-fiction are sometimes delightful and soothing, other times disruptive and even annoying, but that’s what JONAHmagazine is about. We hope it’s never dull or derivative, and always, using this over-employed word (sometimes we just can’t help ourselves) – eclectic. 

There is much food for reflection for the soul and the spirit in this new edition. Whether you’re a writer or a reader, or both, ENJOY!  And if you are a writer and want to share your creative efforts with us, check out our mission statement on the THE WIND IN OUR SAILS page, and our submission guidelines on the HOW TO SUBMIT page.

Bonne lecture! Good reading!

JONAHmagazine’s journey has its roots in the biblical version of the Odyssey, with less magic and greater human strengths and frailty.  Jonah has been on his quest to avoid the unavoidable, finally accepting that certain things are part of life. You do them because you have to, but then you’re allowed to complain. And our Jonah certainly knows how to complain. Jonah continues to do all of that, provoking the storm, but keeping his flotation device close by, in case his nemesis, the large sea creature, (usually identifies as a whale) has no appetite for him that day. 

The voyage of exploration and discovery continues on our virtual pages. So far, we have hosted some 200 authors who have lent us their diverse, wonderful creations. Almost 300 pieces of poetry and prose have been viewed some 44,000 times by our various readers, residents of 138 countries around the world.

Please continue to favour us with your work, so we can make each issue the best we can.

If you’re viewing JONAHmagazine on a “smart” phone (if only) please click on the 3 bars on the upper right of this page to easily navigate the various pages and posts.


Our team:

Brian Campbell

Cheryl Everett

Zav Levinson

Harry Rajchgot

2 thoughts on “JONAH’S SHIP”

  1. Hello. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to locate your email address, but I’m writing to withdraw a short story I submitted in Feb. of this year. “Jump Seats” has since been substantially revised. Thank you for your consideration.
    Ann Birch in El Paso, TX

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writing from the soul and the mind